Written by Steve Perry
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New Google logo, attention to detail

As much as I dislike Google as a company you have to give them credit for the amount of detail in their new Google identity. Some would say it’s ‘boring’ but their attention to detail runs much deeper than just visual. 305 bytes instead of their old logo at ~14,000 offers a much faster load time on mobile devices, for example.

Steve Perry Creative Ltd

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Copyright © 2012 – 2023 Steve Perry Creative Ltd., unless otherwise noted.

Registered in England & Wales, number 08354632.


Typeset in Söhne Kräftig and Söhne Buch, by Klim Type Co.

Set as 32/64, 24/32, 20/32, and 12/16 on an 8px/96px grid.

Colour palette selected for AAA contrast.